Brownbanded Cockroaches


Color: Brown, with pronounced banding across wings
Shape: Oval
Size: 1/2 inch long
Region: Found throughout the U.S.


Brownbanded cockroaches get their name from the two lighter bands they have across their dark brown bodies. Males have full wings, which reach beyond the tip of their pointed abdomens, but females have underdeveloped wings, much shorter than their broad, rounded abdomens.


Brownbanded cockroaches can be found throughout structures, but show a preference for drier locations and warmer areas over 80 degrees. They also tend to prefer higher locations than most cockroach species and are often found in upper cabinets in kitchens and bathrooms. Brownbanded cockroaches often hide their egg cases in or under furniture and glue the oothecae (egg cases) to surfaces.


Cockroaches have been reported to spread at least 33 kinds of bacteria, six kinds of parasitic worms, and at least seven other kinds of human pathogens. Medical studies have shown that cockroach allergens are a leading trigger of allergic reactions in inner city children. They have even been shown to cause asthma in children.

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